When an individual finds it difficult to produce or acquire certain age appropriate sounds e.g. consonants or vowels, it may lead to a speech difficulty. When the speech follows an atypical pattern of acquisition e.g. deleting final sounds in a word, it is a phonological or speech disorder. Problems with fluency and voice are also speech disorders.
Please refer to the table below to know if your child has acquired the given sounds by the correct age or if he/she needs an evaluation by a Speech Therapist
AGE (Years) | SOUNDS |
2 years | b | d | m | n | p | h | |
3 years | f | k | g | t | w | ng | |
4 years | |kw| |
5 years | ch | j | l | s | sh | y | bl | |
6 years | r | z | v | br | dr | fr | gr | kr | tr |fl | gl | kl | pl | st | |
7 years | sl | sp | sw | th | |
This table is based on speech-sound norms from the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation-2 (2000). It denotes the age by which 85% of sample children correctly produced the consonant and consonant cluster sounds.
To maintain privacy and confidentiality of patients, the names or identity are not disclosed.
Your expertise work with my husband has increased his independence and confidence in activities of his daily life. Because of the intense speech and language therapy you have provided, he has now been able to go back to work. You’ll are really doing a fantastic job thank you for everything you’ll continue to do for him selflessly and patiently.
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